Performance Anxiety and PROMs
On February 25th, members from the VALHUE study team attended the 26th annual CHSPR health policy conference titled “Performance Anxiety”, in Vancouver, BC. The conference featured discussions about the current state of affairs of performance measurement in Canada and its impact on healthcare system change. Included in that was the role patients play in engaging in research through the use of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs). Read more
Collecting patient reported outcomes in the digital age
Collection of patient reported outcomes typically occur in three ways: interviews, self-administration or a combination of both (Desphande et al., 2011). As the general population becomes ever more tech-savvy, researchers are moving towards electronic administration of PROs to collect patient outcomes data. The use of electronic PROs can be more beneficial than paper based PROs as they reduce data entry errors, allow for notifications to be sent to the patient and may be viewed as more convenient than other methods, thus increasing the likelihood of patient participation. Read more